God blessed team members traveling from Nebraska and Virginia to Romania. Our flights were without delay or incident. The airline we flew graciously allowed our Humanitarian Relief bags to fly free rather than at the normal rate of $100 per additional bag beyond the free allowance. For this favor we had prayed to God and asked Him for it.
The airline agent in Washington, who checked in the relief bags for the eight of us from VA, talked with us about missions work that she has done and remains involved with. She was a breath of fresh air and obviously a divine appointment.
We arrived to fine sunshine, at least for today.
Once we got off the church bus we were greeted with the sweet, loving sound of “Welcome Home!” from Christian family here in Oradia, Romania.
Most of us are very tired. After a late start , scheduled for tomorrow morning, our day will be very busy. We look forward to more divine appointments to share Jesus with people in Romania, perhaps even some who have bever heard.