Greetings from Romania!
Team B has arrived safely, and we are looking forward to all that the ministry that the Lord has prepared for our next two weeks. It is wonderful to be back in this country and with the people, we have grown to love so much.
It is exciting to see what a diverse team the Lord has brought together this year, with people from all different age ranges, personalities and backgrounds. I pray that He will use us to encourage, teach and grow one another even as we seek to minister to those around us.
Please pray that Christ will be seen in all our words and actions. Please pray that through our love (Christ’s love in us), many may come to know the love of the One who died for them, that He might bring them life. Please pray that-as brothers and sisters in Christ-the Romanian and American believers will encourage one another and be built up and strengthened in our relationship with our Father.
Thank you for joining us in prayer! We look forward to reporting back on all the great things our God is doing and has done in our hearts, and in the country of Romania
Thanks for the update. We are praying for you and the team!
Thanks Derek! We are definitely missing having you and Stephanie with us this year!