The Second Team Has Landed – by Timothy Thomas

The second team arrived yesterday afternoon. After getting some sleep last night, we dove straight into a day of ministry. We started out by sorting supplies for our village ministries and then loaded up on the bus and went out to the gypsy village of Tarcea. We did a...

First Team Arrived Safely – by Timothy Thomas

Just received news a little while ago that the first team arrived safely in Romania. They had some long flights and travel but are excited to be there. Please be in prayer for the second team that departs on Monday. May God bless the ministry done through this...

Perspective – by Chris and Rachel Thomas

I cannot begin to put into words the joy that it has been for Rachel and me to have our 3 month old son, Cole, with us in Romania. I don’t know how many times I was asked, “Are you sure it’s a good idea to take a 3-month old overseas?” These questions come for many...

Joy – by Leah Becker

Joy!  That describes this week so far!  It has been such a privilege to be back in Romania – serving our great God and His people! I have experienced and witnessed so much joy this week:  joy in the reuniting of brothers and sisters of the FFH team; joy in...

Welcome Home by Pastor Jay Roberts

God blessed team members traveling from Nebraska and Virginia to Romania. Our flights were without delay or incident. The airline we flew graciously allowed our Humanitarian Relief bags to fly free rather than at the normal rate of $100 per additional bag beyond the...

Back in Romania – By Pastor Bruce Goldsmith

After a very challenging year in many ways, but a blessed year, my family and I are back in Romania for a new year of service to the people. Often people in the states will ask, do you like going to Romania? My usual response is, I don’t like the trip getting there or...

The Sound of Music – by Pastor Jay Roberts

By: Pastor Jay Roberts How amazing and thrilling it is to know that God gave us the gift of music to enjoy and to worship Him with it. And, when we give music back to Him, He allows us to use it to minister to others and glorify Him. My skills with a guitar are...

Faith, Hope, and Love – by Leah Becker

Today was an amazing day! I heard about God’s faithfulness to a home for the less fortunate; saw hope (and thankfulness) in tired eyes, and witnessed amazing love pouring out of pastors for their sheep. The FFH team was also privileged to minister to the needs...

Glory to God? – by Pastor Jay Roberts

By: Pastor Jay Roberts I had a tour of a very ornate church building today. I am purposefully leaving out what type of church it is. It is gilded throughout with pavement. You understood correctly – pavement. The streets of Heaven will be paved with gold and...