by 2023 Team | Mar 12, 2023 | March 2023 Trip
It has been a few days of wonderful ministry opportunities here in Romania. On Friday, we drove to Remeti which is about 2 hours from where we are in Oradea. We were able to visit a home for individuals with special needs. These adults have no one to care for them....
by 2023 Team | Mar 9, 2023 | March 2023 Trip
Today we had the unique opportunity to visit a home for Ukrainian refugees. It was a sweet time of song and encouragement through Scripture and testimony. Many of the residents today were either elderly or challenged in different ways, physically or mentally. In tears...
by 2023 Team | Mar 9, 2023 | March 2023 Trip
Today, we had the awesome opportunity to go and minister to Ukrainian refugees. These individuals were an encouragement to be with. I cannot comprehend how much they must be going through during these difficult times. We were able to minister through song,...
by 2023 Team | Mar 9, 2023 | March 2023 Trip
We began doing ministry yesterday and it was a blessing! In the morning, we sorted supplies and made up medical bags with things like band-aids, ibuprofen, muscle rub, and triple antibiotic ointment. We will be taking these to several villages throughout the next week...
by 2023 Team | Mar 4, 2023 | March 2023 Trip
The early team has arrived in Romania, and we are thankful to the Lord for His protection. We pray for safe travel for those coming from the States within the next few days, and we look forward to serving the Lord together.
by 2020Team | Mar 20, 2020 | March 2020 Trip
It is a great pleasure to be able to participate in the work of the Lord. Others have summarized the journey better than I can, so I think it’s best to simply reflect a bit. Proverbs 16:9 says, “The mind of man plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps” (NASB). I...
by 2020Team | Mar 19, 2020 | March 2020 Trip
Last night I have got a phone call on behalf of pastor John who joined the group in Tatarus. Among different issues discussed I was overjoyed to hear that the Lord used this year’s team in order to bless many people in that congregation. More than half of people...
by 2020Team | Mar 15, 2020 | March 2020 Trip
One of my greatest joys in life is to see how God displays His glory in times I least expect it. Our journey to Romania this year has been amazing, to say the least. What we thought and planned for the trip completely changed. We planned and believed that in spite of...
by 2020Team | Mar 15, 2020 | March 2020 Trip
Being my 5th year going to Romania, I start off these trips with less anxiety than I used to. However, going to the first village of the trip is always nerve-racking. It’s often hard, whether you’re a pastor or just a guest, to speak up in a church. One...
by 2020Team | Mar 14, 2020 | March 2020 Trip
It started in March 2019, as we thanked the Lord for all He accomplished that year in the various villages, homes, churches, etc we were privileged to serve. Throughout the rest of that year, we each prayerfully went before the Lord asking if It was His will...